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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Saturday, May 30, 2015

China Study Tour - Day 4 (Thursday)

That day was the day that I had awaited eagerly because we would visit 德州五中 (Dezhou No. 5 Middle School). I didn't know why I was really enthusiastic to visit local school there. As usual, we had Chinese cultural class in the morning. That day, we were divided into 4 groups. My groups and I learnt Chinese Painting and Chinese Dancing. I really liked Chinese Painting class since I had wanted to study it from a long time ago haha. We painted 枇杷(loquat) and this was the result of my painting hahaha. Isn't it good? hhahaha, jkjk!

After finishing study Chinise Painting, we moved to another class. In that class, we learnt Chinese Dancing. Before we started to learn, the previous group hadn't done yet. I didn't know what the name of the dancing was, but their dancing was very cool! I didn't take any photos of my group when we learnt it, I only got a photo of the previous group from my teacher.

Previous Group

Selfie at the dancing class XD

with the dancing teacher.
ignore my face hahaha

After having Chinese Painting and Chinese Dancing class ended, we had our lunch. We should walk to the eating place and it was quite far from the cultural school haha. We ate for around an hour then we came back to our hotel since the local school began at 2pm. So, the local school there has a recess for 2 hours but the student must go home and come back to the school after 2 hours. I asked my teacher, "Sir, when will our school have a recess for 2 hours which we have the recess at home?" He only laughed and said it was impossible hahaha.

We were divided into 8 groups and we entered grade 7. We waited outside the school because it was still 1.40pm. We didn't forget to take photo there. So these were the photos!

The school from outside

I was so amazed by the school. The school was sooooo big! The class that my friends and I entered had 75 students in one class. So many, right? In my school, the maximum student in one class is 45 students. We would stay at the class for around 3 hours and follow them studying. They were studying language and I didn't understand at all until I wanted to go out from the class fast. The one who sat next to me didn't look at me at all and it made me wanna go out faster. The teacher asked me something in Chinese which I could understand, but the teacher asked the student to ask me in English. I saw that it was hard for them to speak in English, I didn't know why. The students there were very enthusiastic when we came to their school but the thing that made it difficult was our language.

I looked my friend who sat in the back and they were like sending a letter. So I followed my friend by writing, "你好, 我叫黄彩耘!:)" (Hello, my name is Huang Caiyun!) and sending the letter to the one who sat next to me. Fortunately, she replied me! Hahaha. First she had replied me in Chinese but she took the letter and rewrote it in English. From that case, I could conclude that they were good in English but it was hard for them to speak in English. 

Language subject ended and the next subject was Geography. Their Geography subject was in Chinese until I thought, "Gila, mereka ga pusing apa ya belajarnya make Zhong Wen semua?!" (Don't they get confused because the subjects are all in Chinese?!) 

Fortunately, we didn't need to stay for 3 hours because after Geography, we were asked to go to their school field. There were a lot of 9 graders students on the field. I found someone handsome there and I directly asked to take a photo together. I won't share the photo here hahaha. Fyi, all the people there mostly use QQ to get connected. I asked his QQ number so that I could email him. He said that he forgot his QQ number and asked for a pen. Then he asked me to write my email on his hand but I chose to take a paper inside my bag and wrote my email on it. Because there was no table, I made my hand as the base for writing my email. My pen was like quite stupid because the tint was difficult to go out -.- Surprisingly, he lent his back for me to write hahaha. He isn't only handsome but also kind XD

the school from the field

The first friends who we met on the field

with the PE teacher hahaha

From the school, we walked to the eating place to have dinner. And yay, that day we went to the supermarket againnn! But the difference was we were allowed to walk around the mall. If in Indonesia the yakult was for only 65ml, in China the yakult is for 300ml. The yakult's bottle was also very cute until I brought it to Indonesia ahahhaa. My teacher said that only in China Pizza Hut had pizza with pork flavour. Because of my curiosity, I asked my friends to buy the pizza together and they wanted it. We came back to our hotel at 9pm because the mall closed at that time. I took a bath, played my phone and slept. It was one of the best day in the study tour!


yoghurt for 4.90元


This was soooo delicious!

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