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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


It's annoying and also weird when you say hi, smile and wave to someone ................. and he doesn't know who are you .. He just say with his straight face or other emo face, "who are you ?"
And also when you do it, but he doesn't see you or he realizes you do it, but he doesn't do it back because he thinks you do it to other - it means he doesn't feel excessive haha
Or the other possibilities also can be 

sometimes because of it, I'm so lazy to say hello to everyone first, except my best friends -.- haha .. I know it's awkward, but hmm .. idk why haha

Just for fun to make this one, guys ! haha .. nothing to do before CNY eve and also I don't have too many tasks for tmr ..

ok, good night guys ! ;b

Monday, January 27, 2014

Chocolate Cake Day ?

Hii guys ! Hohoho ..
And what is chocolate cake ?
It is a cake with melted chocolate or cocoa powder or something about chocolate haha
do you know today is chocolate cake day ?
At first, I also don't know about this, but when I viewed my facebook, some page wrote today is chocolate cake day ..
It is the first time I know that chocolate cake has it own day lol .. yeah it is awkward coz almost everyone don't celebrate it and also we don't know hahaha

and do you know that start the day with a chocolate cake that is highly recommended ? Why is it highly recommended ? Coz in the morning our metabolism is very active . so it is very fit to consume sweet food for breakfast ..

so now it is already late night and I should sleep coz school start at 6.30am(GMT+7) -.-

good night peopleeee ~ ! have a nice dreams and GBU !

Btw, I've read on twitter(fact account) if we wake up at 2 or 3am without any reason, it means someone is staring at us O.o

Don't think about that fact too much .. You better pray before you sleep so nothing won't bother and happen to you even staring at you :D hehehe

*you can read the history of chocolate cake on wikipedia here

Saturday, January 25, 2014


In new year holiday, I went to Jakarta with my family. Unfortunately, it's without my cousin Grace because she was in Bali. Well, in Jakarta I visited many places and ate many foods!

blue cap in the middle of other caps

KOTA TUA JAKARTA . batavia yeay

love my bro !

with dad and aunt

aunt, dad, bro and mom 

red umbrella, please ?

dad wanna ride it ?

We also visited a museum at Kota Tua . It shows a culture of Jakarta (Betawi)


I love Indonesia !


So, what is that ? O.o

big wayanggg !

my lovely aunt

si Unyil's dolls

Betawi's culture

We also went to ARTPHORIA 2013 in day 2. It's located at Lotte Shopping Avenue. Artphoria is a big 3D painting, and it is so COOL !

Gold ? Money ? Or what ?

Sit you there !

Ride a horse ?

beware falling !


mouses everywhereeee !

auntie helped me ;)

Are we fly ?

I fly on the flying carpet !

flying carpet and broomstick

we love to read !

Isn't there cool ?

I am a magician B-)

So, that was my holiday. It's cool, right ? So actually this capital city has many good places to visit !

How was yours ? Hehe

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pierced Guy

Hi Guys ! Ah so lazy now and nothing do to, so I want to post something but I thought this post isn't quite long, just a short one .. and yeah, I just thought to write about "Pierced Guy" lol

I don't know why in my eyes pierced guy is handsome ..
and yes they are more handsome than those without pierced ..
example ; Neymar (Barcelona FC's player)
He is very handsome !! It isn't only about his face, he is a pierced guy !! XD

see, he wears 2 earrings ..
and it means 2 piercings !!

but almost people say that "pierced guy" is a bad guy .. But in reality it's true .. almost pierced guys are a bad guy coz I've known it from someone(he is a pierced person) and yes, he is also a quite bad person -.- He doesn't tell me that he is a bad guy .. I mean he doesn't tell me how bad he is .. but I see that he is a quite bad guy .. but yeah he is a kind person, the bad one is only his behavior I think
But I still like pierced guy hahaha


And that's what I want to say .. Good Night people ! Have a nice dreams, GBU !

Btw, I'm going to post a story about "secret admirer" this Friday .. I promise I will have the end of the story .. It won't like my old story on this blog that never ends -.- ok, bye everyoneeee :D

Monday, January 20, 2014

Having fun !

Last week, I went to Cimahi to finish some projects from school with friends. But, like usual, I had some great time and some great view! let's check this out!

somehow it's barbecue time hahahaha 

play with this cute thing!!

I don't care about dirty or something, but hang out
with friends is more important than dirty!

Some great views near my friend's house

wif Celine 

wif Inekeee 

these friends were so "amazing" , yeah -_- 
hahahaha =)) YOLO!