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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Friday, October 31, 2014

A Diary of My Life

By Grace Nathania

The sun shone brightly and I opened my eyes. I couldn't almost see everything clearly because the sun shone very brightly. But the sun was so kind that it moved to another side.

I stood on roadside to get my favorite things. Some friends passed me and gave my favorite thing but some threw it. I felt so sad because some of my friends threw it. Actually it happened every day. I couldn't warn them to not do it because they were stronger than me. Once I warned them, they would put me through violence.

I had a friend who almost had the same destiny. The difference was he was forced to take my favorite thing although he didn't like it. He also couldn't warn them. He was never angry with me instead he always said it was ok. I really felt guilty and pity for him but I couldn't do anything.

Sometimes, a group of caring also took my favorite things. They said it would be used more useful bu them. I believed in what they said because I had seen myself. They really used it usefully for others. They asked a permission from me to sell it. I didn't get the money because that group needed money more than me.

You often see me at edges or corners of streets. But you never see my function. Why do you give my favorite things to inappropriate places? For instance, you give my favorite things to my friend. You know that it will make my friend dirty, don't you? But you keep doing it. So, please use me as possible and don't make my friends dirty.

NB : This story is made from the viewpoint of a trash bin.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

An Awesome and Beautiful World

A narrative text by Grace Nathania

Once upon a time, Celia was in an awesome and beautiful wonderland but she didn’t know she was there because she passed out. Celia opened her eyes and wondered where she was. She only saw a green field and lots of flying purple dandelions. She looked around and found one stood over there. She tried to get up but her body felt so heavy that she couldn’t get up from the place she sat. Celia decided to call one over there. He walked more closely towards her and she asked him where she was. The one who stood named Angelo and he had been living there for 175 years but his face didn’t look old at all. He looked like a-25-year-old young man. He said that she was in an awesome and beautiful wonderland. She wondered how she could be in a wonderland.

Angelo brought Celia touring around the wonderland. Celia was really dazzled by its beauty. She could slide on a pastel color rainbow and enter other parts of the wonderland. She found all of the dandelions not whithering. Even the dandelions could be eaten by human and just a second people’s tummy would feel full. She wanted to take some dandelions to her world, but she couldn’t bring them.

Something from Celia’s pocket rang suddenly and Angelo said her time was over in wonderland. She didn’t want to go back to her world because she had found comfort in the wonderland. Angelo warned her what would happen soon but she ignored it. She kept walking around and enjoying the awesome and beautiful wonderland. Angelo couldn’t do anything and leave her alone. The wonderland changed suddenly a day after the time she should come back. What had Angelo said about the awesome and beautiful wonderland wasn't true. Awesome and beautiful wonderland became an awful place.

Celia was really sorry that she hadn’t come back to her world. She leaned back on the old tree but the old tree absorbed her body until it went inside. Inside the tree, she became very small and found lots of people there. This thing also happened to others inside the tree because they ignored the warning. Celia tried getting out of the tree but her effort failed. She couldn’t get out of the tree and she really felt sorry because she didn't choose to return to her world.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Jogjakarta Trip

Hi guysss! Sorry for not updating this blog .. really busy >< but now I'm gonna tell you my trip to Jogjakarta. Actually this text is for my writing task, so some of the paragraphs are quite formal hahaha

2 weeks ago, I went to Jogjakarta with my school for a study tour. The journey was started from Bandung on Tuesday night.  I was in bus seven with all of my classmates and my teachers, Mr. Iling and Ms. Ratih.

We went to Jogjakarta and around by bus which took around twelve hours. Because my friends and I were very bored, we talked to each others, watched something, etc. The clock showed 12am and it meaned we should take a rest. I couldn't sleep at all, neither could others. Maybe it was because we slept in the bus lol.

Around 1am, our bus arrived at rest area. In the rest area, we could go to the toilet or buy a food. The food which should pay by ourselves. After I ate that food, in the morning my tummy got stomach ache haha

We arrived in Magelang on Wednesday morning an hour earlier than the teachers expectation. We ate our breakfast at Manohara Hotel and then we visited Borobudur Temple.

At Manohara Hotel

panorama of Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple

We spent around two hours there learning about Borobudur Temple and capturing photos. Borobudur Temple is really awesome and cool! Afterwards, we continued our journey to Jogjakarta. We had our lunch at Pesta Perak Restaurant, which prepared savoury food for our tummy. In Pesta Perak Restaurant, the food had so many of choices, from the western until the traditional one. Then we visited Taman Pintar to increase our knowledge in science.

I didn't enjoy in Taman Lintar. Because Taman Pintar was the same as another science center I had ever visited. The weather was so hot that I really wanted to go to the hotel fast.

After such a long journey, we could rest and took a bath at the hotel. After a while, we had our dinner at Mahkota Restaurant and then we shopped at Malioboro for two hours. I didn't take lots of photos there since lots of people say there are so many pick-pockets. My friends and I walked around Malioboro Street and of course we entered Malioboro Mall ;D However, I didn’t buy anything at Maliboro as nothing caught my eyes.

Chinese food for dinner :9

At Malioboro

Thai Tea and doughnut as a late snack at Malioboro Mall

They were wrong in written my name HAHAHA XD

The hotel room

The second day was quite relaxing since there were only 2 places to visit, Ngandong Beach and Prambanan Temple to watch a story of Ramayana. We had our breakfast at the hotel before continuing our journey to  Ngandong Beach.

While we were on the bus to Ngandomg Beach, we found ourselves lost. We weren't very panic because there was a GPS lol. But thank God we didn’t get lost and could find the way back.

At Ngandong Beach, we really had fun. We took lots of photos since Ngandong Beach is really beautiful.

Breakfast at Hotel

Ngandong Beach

My Best :*


After a few hours, we came back to the hotel to take a bath because our bodies got really dirty by the beach sand and water. Then we went to Prambanan Temple to watch Ramayana story. For me, the show was quite boring and I didn’t really understand what they did on the stage. Nevertheless, it was a refreshing experience and I could see a good view of Prambanan temple.

one scene of Ramayana Story

Prambanan Temple is really cool!

Third day was our last day at Jogjakarta. We went to Keraton Jogjakarta before going back to Bandung. We only spent an hour at Keraton Jogjakarta because we only wanted to see what inside the keraton was. Finally after three awesome days at Jogjakarta we came back to Bandung safely.

Actually I didn't really like Jogjakarta because of its heat. But I really had fun there. The journey was very tiring but I gained more knowledge such as the history of Borobudur Temple.

One of my favorite photos at Borobudur

Just for fun! AHAHA

Candid lol
thanks to L. Raven ;D

Beach selfies !
Ignore our faces

Borobudur selfies !
Ignore our faces too !

Class Photo ^^ 9I
Credit to Mr. Kurniawan

I'm damn narcist

pop mie at night ;P

Good Night guys ! ;D

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week of Happiness

Hi guys ! How are you? :D
Sorry for not updating this blog last week. Last week was really busy because I had mid-test and I should go to SHS to do psychological and placement test for becoming a science student. So, I needed studying and couldn't update this blog ><

Because last week was week of suffering, this week is week of happiness XD hohoho
I, together with my school, am going to Jogjakarta tonight. Even though the journey from Bandung to Jogjakarta takes around 12 hours, I feel really exited because I will go there with all of my friends. But honestly I will be very tired during the journey. It takes 12 HOURS ! We are going there by bus not by airplane HAHAHA. That's why the journey takes 12 hours.

Places that I visit in Jogjakarta are still a secret, I will tell you soon tho. So keep waiting okay ! Hohoho
I will update my journey after I have arrived and rested at my house :P

And btw, good luck for my cousin, koko Andre who will face O level test 2 more days! Jiayou koko! ;D I believe you can get good score for all subjects because you are very smart! Hahaha ;p and you can go to Junior College that you want :D

Have a nice day guys ! :)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Diamond in The Rough

Hii guys ! How's life? Sorry for not updating this blog last week ><

Now, I'm gonna make a book review :D I have never been bored while reading this book because this book is really interesting and always succeed to burn my spirit.

"Diamond in The Rough" is the title of this book and it's written by Nathania Christy, Indonesian scholar in Singapore. This book tells the readers about the author's life as a scholar in Singapore and the purpose why she writes this book is because of her desire to inspire young Indonesians.

This book has 5 parts and also has a lot of inspiring quotes and some tips how she can be like now inside. The story is half funny and touching.

The author writes, "Jangan bersinar supaya orang lain bisa melihatmu. Bersinarlah supaya melalui kamu, orang lain bisa melihat."(Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that because of you, others can see.). She sees her life as a diamond in the rough and I also realize that my life is the same as a diamond in the rough. My life has sharp edges and unrefined. But each time, it will be polished to shine proudly, right?

When I'm still reading the beginning of the story, my heart is really touched by her story. I almost, even, shed tears. I know this is excessive, but this is my perspective. So, you can't judge me :p HAHA
In my opinion, this book is really understanding my problems. Why? Because when I'm down and I read this book, it's always succed to cheer me up and encourage me. For instance, I think,"Am I ready to fall down when I can dreaming this high?". I remember in this book it's written that we should have a lot of dreams. So, when one dream fails, we still have another dreams that we can achieve.
This book really has a big effect for my life. After I read this book, I always try to do my best to pursue my dreams and make them alive and other things that affect my life :)

If you want your life to be inspired and shine proudly like diamond, you can buy this book at Gramedia in part "Psikologi Remaja." The price is IDR 58K. This book is really valuable !

I always hope when I go to Singapore, I will meet her, ask her to sign the book and take a selfie together. I also make her as my role model because she is really awful, AWesome and beautiFUL !!!!

The last, I wanna say big thanks to the author, ci Nia for making this book. Your writing is really inspiring me! I hope I can be like you :D Because the background why I bought this book is your experiences, how you pursue your dreams, etc. And all of the things you write are really helpful for my future :D