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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Friday, October 31, 2014

A Diary of My Life

By Grace Nathania

The sun shone brightly and I opened my eyes. I couldn't almost see everything clearly because the sun shone very brightly. But the sun was so kind that it moved to another side.

I stood on roadside to get my favorite things. Some friends passed me and gave my favorite thing but some threw it. I felt so sad because some of my friends threw it. Actually it happened every day. I couldn't warn them to not do it because they were stronger than me. Once I warned them, they would put me through violence.

I had a friend who almost had the same destiny. The difference was he was forced to take my favorite thing although he didn't like it. He also couldn't warn them. He was never angry with me instead he always said it was ok. I really felt guilty and pity for him but I couldn't do anything.

Sometimes, a group of caring also took my favorite things. They said it would be used more useful bu them. I believed in what they said because I had seen myself. They really used it usefully for others. They asked a permission from me to sell it. I didn't get the money because that group needed money more than me.

You often see me at edges or corners of streets. But you never see my function. Why do you give my favorite things to inappropriate places? For instance, you give my favorite things to my friend. You know that it will make my friend dirty, don't you? But you keep doing it. So, please use me as possible and don't make my friends dirty.

NB : This story is made from the viewpoint of a trash bin.

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