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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Exam is Coming Soon!

Hi guys! How's school?? Some schools in Indonesia are having mid term test next week or in the next 3 weeks. For 12th graders, they are facing final exam in the next 2 weeks. The preparation for our exams is so important because we wanna get good marks, don't we? Although there are only Science, Math, Bahasa and English tested for mid term test in my school, I'm so lazy to prepare by making revision or at least reading the books haha. Ok, so I tell you that I'm not that diligent student who's so eager to get perfect marks for every subjects tested. For me, getting above 80 is a must, but getting perfect mark is a bonus because it depends on the preparation I do for my exam. Oh ya back to the topic! Since exam is coming soon, I'm giving you some tips for preparation before your exam:

1. Have enough time to study
We need to study some weeks before our exams or at least a week before. We usually plan to study a few weeks before but it turns out that we cram every materials a night before which is not effective. Look at the exam's schedule and start studying for the good marks! :D

2. Pay attention in class
You need to pay attention in class because sometimes a week before your exams the teacher will usually give some hints about your exam and you won't miss the hints to answer and study easily, will you?

3. Organize your study place
Make sure we have enough place to put our stuffs and our chairs comfortable :D

4. Make revision
Making revision is the laziest thing to do but it is so important. By writing the materials makes you memorise them as well.

5. Review the past exams
Reviewing the past exams helps us to get used the format of the questions, and - if you time yourself - can also be good practice for making sure you spend the right amount of time on each section.

6. Study in a group
We can ask the questions we don't understand and it highly possibles we can get new knowledge about the subjects because sometimes what we don't know is known by others.

7. Get enough sleep
As in the article bellow about the importance of sleeping, we need to get enough sleep so that we can concentrate while doing the exam.

8. Eat your breakfast
Breakfast is as important as sleep because you don't wanna be starving during the exams which decreases your concentration, do you?

9. Have your own stationary and ID card
Some schools use ID card as the identity to join the exam. For instance in my school, if we don't bring our student card, we'll only get the minimum score, 75. About the stationary, we need to have it our selves because we don't want to be suspected, do you?

10. Drink plenty of water
As a final tip, being well hydrated is important for our brains to work at its best. Let's drink during our revisions and on the exam day as well!

Good luck! :D

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