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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Anxiety on Christmas Day

by Grace Nathania

My living room was really comfortable and warm. Wood was burned to give a warm sensation. I was wrapped by my pink blanket. I was watching my favorite Christmas movie while drinking a cup of hot chocolate.

I was alone at home because my whole family members were outside. My parents went to buy foods for Christmas dinner, and my sister was at her friend’s house. My sister didn't celebrate this Christmas together because she had celebrated it last year.

It was getting late, and my parents were still outside. They had said they would be home before 8 p.m. I should be happy because my parents had never allowed me to stay alone, and I have got the whole house to myself. I could do whatever I wanted such as turning on music to maximum volume, eating chocolate, and watching whatever on television. I felt worry as if something bad had happened.

I tried to call my sister not to only go home but also accompany me. She didn't answer my call. Maybe the music was so loud that she couldn't hear my call. I was really worried when suddenly tears started trickling on my cheeks as I cried. I didn't know what I should do because I knew, crying wouldn't solve anything. Finally, I decided to pray, and hope everything would be alright.

The bell rang, and someone called my name. I knew well whose voice it was−it was my mom. I wiped tears on my cheeks, and ran towards the door. I opened the door, and I hug my mother tightly. My parents were really sorry as they had made me anxious. They trapped in snowstorm for two hours. Their phone battery ran out so that they couldn't tell me. Actually, it didn't matter since my parents had already been at home. I felt glad and safe because my parents were next to me and celebrated Christmas together.

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