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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

FG for BC

Hii guys ! What's up?

Ok, so let's move to the title. What's "FG for BC"? Before I answer it, please see a picture bellow;

What do you think about this picture?
source : kompas

FG for BC is Future Generations for Better Country. Why do I choose this title? So, this morning I went to somewhere. And then on the way to the place, at traffic light, I saw a beggar but this beggar is a little kid which is around 2 or 3 years old.

What do you think if you look a little kid becomes a beggar? Do you feel don't care or otherwise? 
I just thought,"Why should kids already work on the road started in the morning until midnight?"

I post this topic isn't for a praise or what, but this topic is about humanity, isn't it?

To be honest, I feel sorry watching a little kid become a beggar. Why don't they go to school? 

They are still a little kid and they should be at school at that time. At school they will study and have more knowledge. This knowledge is important for their future and our country's future.

Sometimes, in Indonesia, even I hear from news that parents-commonly from poor family-ask their children to be a beggar on the road. 
Hey parents, why don't you who become a beggar? Why should be your child and you only wait for the money? I know that some of parents are uneducated enough and money from become a beggar isn't enough for everyday life even to pay school fee. But some parents are lazy to work though they are educated. Actually, even though you only graduate from high school or only from primary school, you still can get a good job and also good salary. Or you can make your own business. Use your talent to work and also pray to God. Yes, nowadays everything is so expensive, but please parents, think about your children's future. They should have a good education for their life so they can be successful. Indonesia needs your children to make this country become a develop country. Your children are Indonesia's hope. Your children who will build this country to be a better country.

Btw, since in Indonesia has been implemented free education in public schools for children who don't have enough money, parents, you can enroll your child to public school :) But I also hear from people, though the education is free, parents still need to pay some of the administrations' fee. But at least parents don't pay too much, right?

But I also hear that a child who becomes a beggar is a victim from kidnapping. The mastermind of this kidnapping forces the children to work for them. Children aren't given good facilities. They treat the children very badly.

And for government, please pays attention to beggars on the road, old or young. For adult beggars, if they are uneducated enough, give them a skill in any fields. But for the educated beggars, provide employment for them. For old beggars, send them to nursing home. For young beggars, who still need school, enroll them to school so they can more educated. And also please arrests mastermind behind the kidnapping. So, no more children are forced to work for them and treated badly. So, children can have a good education and enjoy their time.

And for this future generations, be grateful if you can study at school. Don't be lazy because what you get at school is really valuable for your future. Everyone want a bright future, no one wants a dark future. So be diligent, guys !!



Actually this article is only an opinion, it's up to you, agree or disagree with my opinion. But I only share what I think.

Have a nice day ! :)

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