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Hi guys! So this blog is made as an online journal of Jasmine and Grace. We share our experiences, reviews, opinions, and many more! We will try our best to update this blog on weekends. Please leave a comment for our blog so that we can make improvements. We hope our writing can be useful for all readers! ;D

Saturday, March 21, 2015

So Sorry! X(

Hi guys! Sorry for not updating this blog for such a long time .-. I'm really busy with school because now I'm 9th grader and I'm gonna face national examination in May. I have shared a story bellow and I promise I will update this blog asap :) Thanks for your understanding ;D

Repaying Kindness

by Grace Nathania

A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased the night sky away. I opened my eyes, stretched my body and felt the warmth of the morning. I looked at a clock next to my bed. I was so aghast that I directly jumped from my bed and ran as fast as cheetah to bathroom. I was ready in fifteen minutes in order to arrive at school punctually.

Arriving at school, I was in hurry, walking fast. I carried some folders and accidentally, I dropped them. All of the papers inside them flew into the sky. I felt quite annoyed because it made me not only late but also made my papers crumpled. My junior who walked in front of me looked back and she directly helped me to tidy all the papers. I was astonished that she was really helpful when realising the bell would rang in a minute and she would be late. I thanked her and asked her to meet me up in break time.

In break time, my eyes could not catch where she was. After ten minutes of waiting, she came and explained why she was late. I thanked her again and gave her a bar of white chocolate because I could not repay her by anything else. She accepted it and she said that she was very pleased to help me. She also said that a kindness should not always be repaid by things, but it should be repaid by continuing the kindness to others by the one who had been helped. Since that time, I repaid her kindness by doing kindness to others.